Data Usability: How to Build Better Data Products?

Looking ahead to the future, the utilization of data is poised to become a prevailing norm, empowering intelligent workflows and effortless human-machine interactions. In materializing this vision, a crucial aspect is the consideration of data usability. Data products should not merely consist of reusable datasets tailored for specific objectives; they should also be easily consumable through tools that are intuitive and comprehensible within the end-user’s working context.


  1. Organizations aim to use data effectively to drive impact, such as boosting revenue, reducing risks, or enhancing service quality. These outcomes are critical for the success of any initiative.
  2. Achieving tangible benefits from data involves three essential components: Technology, Data Products, and People.
  3. Improving Data Usability leads to the development of more effective data products.
  4. In our data to impact framework, key factors enhancing data usability include User, Persona, Process & Context, Impact, Data Product, and Tool.
  5. Specific tools, whether it’s a KPI report, an AI chatbot, or a spreadsheet with raw data, each contribute uniquely to Improving Data Usability.
  6. Data strategy plays a pivotal role in enhancing data usability by bridging the divide between business, IT, and data teams. It creates a cohesive environment where data products and tools developed across teams are well-integrated.

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