During this program, you will delve into the critical elements of your organization’s data-driven journey, focusing on the Why, What, Who, and How. Step by step, you will learn to develop a comprehensive data strategy that goes beyond technology, emphasizing business value, fostering a data-centric culture, defining clear roles and responsibilities, and effectively managing change. Technology is viewed as a tool to achieve broader objectives, not as the objective itself. Ready for the next step? Request our training brochure.



(2 days)


(On-site, hybrid or fully remote)


Flexible (Program can be fine tuned for the required target audience)


English or Dutch


Part 1: Data Product Foundations - Why?, Who? and What?


    • Data Use Cases: Explore data product thinking to address real-world business challenges.
    • Why? – Understanding the Value: Delve into the business value and strategies for identifying scenarios where data can enhance this value.
    • Who? – The Cultural Context: Evaluate the cultural dynamics of your present and future organization, focusing on data personas, usability, and the interplay between technology, processes, and people.
    • What? – Requirements Identification: Pinpoint what is necessary to bring the identified use cases to life for the intended audience

Practical Exercises:

    • Identify relevant data use cases within your organization.
    • Analyze the why, who, and what for these use cases.
Part 2: How to Operationalize Data?

This section will be tailored to align with the data experience and specific needs of our audience, ensuring a relevant and impactful learning journey for all participants.


    • Artificial Intelligence: Explore various facets of artificial intelligence, including machine learning, deep learning, and generative AI.
    • Data Platform Architecture: Examine common data platform structures and their technological underpinnings.
    • Data Governance: Discover best practices in data governance, quality, metadata management, catalogs, privacy, and security.
    • Building a Data-Driven Organization: Strategies for developing an organization adept at leveraging data, comparing centralized and decentralized (data mesh) models.

Practical Exercises:

    • Apply data architecture and management concepts to previously identified use cases.
Part 3: Managing Data Products


    • The Core of Data Products: Unpacking the key role of data products in deriving sustainable value from data.
    • Agile Management: A look at agile practices for iterative development of data products.
    • Storymapping: Employing storymapping to develop a prioritized data product roadmap, including release planning.

Practical Exercises:

    • Develop one or more data product roadmaps based on the use cases from Parts 1 and 2.
Part 4: Strategizing Data


    • Data Maturity Assessment: Evaluating data maturity with an overview of common frameworks.
    • Crafting a Data Strategy: How a strategic approach to data can amplify your business objectives.
    • Data Roadmap Planning: Utilizing data roadmaps to balance short-term actions and long-term transformational efforts.

Practical Exercises:

      • Perform an initial data maturity assessment for your organization.
      • Draft a preliminary data strategy and corresponding roadmap.

Get your Training brochure

We’re currently finalizing our comprehensive training guide and brochure. Leave your details below, and we’ll send it to you as soon as it’s available. Be among the first to discover how our Masterclass can elevate your data strategy.


The data strategy masterclass equipped me with the necessary tools and framework to guide our company’s data initiatives. It provided me with a comprehensive understanding of our needs and the ability to articulate this effectively, both within our organization and to external software partners.


Business Project Manager, Globachem

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Please feel free to reach out to Jan using the contact form provided below or via email at info@sievax.be.

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